Monday, February 8, 2010

Let's try this again...

Hello there,

Wow! It's been a while since I've posted....Well, I think I'm going to try this blogging thing one more time. I have a new post below this one. It's the simple woman's daybook and it's an easy way for me to keep my blog updated. I might try to do that once a week and see if that keeps me posting! I know some of you in Michigan are not on facebook and like to keep up with us through this blog. I'll be posting some pictures soon.
Have a great day!

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window:

Clear blue and sunny skies. I think the high is going to be in the 60's.

I am thinking:

I can't believe my baby is more babies in the house...

I am thankful for:

being able to stay home with my children.

I am wearing:

Pink polka dot pj bottoms with Julio's sweatshirt and fluffy pink slippers.

I am remembering:

That the Lord's grace is sufficient.

I am creating:

more hair flowers to sell.

I'm going:

to a friend's house this afternoon to learn some tips on vegetable gardening.

I am reading:

The Bible

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

Lots of children's books about kings and queens

The Jesus Storybook Bible

The new edition of This Old Schoolhouse magazine

I am hoping:

That Julio will find full time work soon or that he will start making some money with his LED business.

On my mind:

Grandpa Calibeo in Michigan and his failing health...

What we're studying:

beginning our kings and queens unit today.

I am hearing:

The kids playing so nicely together while I post this. They're playing a new game that Michaela got for her birthday yesterday.

From the kitchen:

dirty dishes waiting to be washed...

Around the house:

kids in pj's playing a game.

chores waiting to be done.

One of my favorite things:

The smell of coffee brewing in the morning.

A few plans for the week:

Gardening lesson today.

Renaissance festival, choir, and bible study all on Thursday!

Date night on Friday.

A picture thought for today:

My baby is not a baby anymore.....oh how I wish I could have another....
